
We all have different stories with similar and overlapping topics and issues to deal with. I am a victim of domestic violence that has divorced a narcissist, but still has to attempt to coparent with that abusive ex because the family courts insist that even an abusive parent needs to have time with his children. I have to rely on a variety of organizations that may or may not understand all of the issues I am facing.

I have dealt with all of the following topics in some form or fashion in my journey: Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse, Cluster B disordered individuals, Domestic Violence by Proxy, Family Court Reform, Parental Alienation, Legal Abuse, Parallel Parenting, Counter Parenting, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality, Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Bi-Polar Disorder, Flying Monkeys, Victim blaming, Victim shaming, Enablers, Sexual Discrimination, gaslighting, and the list goes on and on. Check out the Helpful Websites tab for links to various organizations I’ve used on my journey. Articles on the various subjects are tagged by categories. I hope this list will grow as we all add to it. What resources have helped you on your journey?

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