Bill seeks to protect children from abusive parents in Family Court
More legislation being proposed to protect children and reform the Family court system. This time in Maryland. We need to bring bills like this to our Florida legislators. Maryland Bill seeks to protect children from abusive parents in Family Court
Kayden’s Law
Kayden’s Law passes in Pennsylvania.Kayden’s Law
Kyra’s Law
Kyras Law has been introduced into the New York Assembly. If passed, it will change the Family Courts and help women and children affected by domestic violence that are trying to divorce and escape from their abusers. We need to get this passed in all states. Why Kyra’s Law will change Family Courts
Hawaii passes Coercive Control Law
Coercive Control Laws have reached the US! Hawaii and California now both have Coercive Control Laws. Read this article and ask your representatives to get Coercive Control Laws passed in your state. Hawaii passes Coercive Control Law
New law targets abusive litigation by DV perpetrators
Many DV perpetrators like to continue their abuse post separation by dragging victims to court over and over. We need new laws like this to prevent this from continuing. New law targets abusive litigation by DV perpetrators