I am a mother of 6 and a wife to the most amazing husband ever. After years of being in an abusive relationship, I have escaped and moved on and figured out that life doesn't have to be so tough. There is hope. And there is life and love and happiness after abuse.

  • My Journey


    It’s been a while! Over the past few years, I’ve had trouble juggling everything on my plate. I’ve felt exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious and completely used up. Keeping up with my little ones and the stresses of our large, blended family have taken all of my bandwidth. I just haven’t had anything else to give. My cup has not runneth over. So, this site has been dormant for quite a bit. But, I’m back, baby! After a pandemic, a massive move, a 4 year court battle, a death in the family, troubled teenagers, marital issues, health problems, mental health issues, and all of my children’s events and milestones and activities, I…

  • Awareness,  Believe Survivors,  Coercive Control,  Domestic Violence,  Narcissists

    Stop asking women “Why didn’t you leave?”

    Why didn’t you leave?” Why didn’t you leave sooner?” Why did you wait so long to leave?” It couldn’t have been that bad if you stayed with him for 10 years.” All of these types of questions and statements are a form of victim blaming and victim shaming. It needs to end. Instead, we should be asking the abuser, “Why did you gaslight her into staying with you for so long?” “Why did you physically and verbally abuse her?” “Why did you try to control her and dominate her?” “Why did you continue to love bomb and abuse her in a cycle of domestic violence that kept her in a…

  • Believe Survivors

    FKA twigs talks about her abusive relationship with Shia LaBeouf

    This sounds familiar! Love Bombing at first. Thinking you’ve found Prince Charming. Then you move in together and everything changes. It was the same with me and Vincent. This is typical of abusive men. They wait until you’ve invested in them in some way to start the abuse. And then…it just gets worse. FKA twigs describes her abusive relationship with Shia LeBeouf

  • Awareness,  Domestic Violence

    Stop saying “Boys will be boys.”

    Many abusive men believe they’re entitled to treat others the way they do. Excusing inappropriate behavior in children with sayings like “boys will be boys” leads to that entitlement. We must stop telling our young boys that their behavior is acceptable by excusing them with sayings like this. Boys AND girls will act the way their parents allow them to act. When I see my children playing and one of them says “Stop” or “No”, I immediately jump in and tell them to respect each other’s boundaries. No means no. They need to learn that now at the young ages of 6, 3 and 2. Stop saying “boys will be…

  • My Journey

    The Baptism

    In 2016, Vincent filed for a Post Divorce Modification of Timesharing and Child Support. This was about 16 months post divorce and he wanted to go from every other weekend with Devon (80/20) to a 50/50 arrangement. The man that once told me I couldn’t go to the gym for an hour twice a week because he didn’t have time to babysit and raising children was a woman’s responsibility now wanted full responsibility for this child every other week. I was in shock, but not surprised. I knew it was an effort to reduce his child support obligation. Included in that modification was a request that the child could be…

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