• Helpful Websites

    Stop Abuse Campaign

    The Stop Abuse Campaign aims to protect children from the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), as defined by the Centers for Disease Control, are ten childhood traumas that include all forms of child abuse, neglect, and domestic violence. They are such profound traumas that they predispose children to a lifetime of poorer physical, mental, social and financial health. Visit Website

  • Helpful Websites


    FACTs (Families Against Court Travesties, Inc.) is an organization I’ve used here in Palm Beach County for my endless court battles with my narcissistic ex. It was formed by the South Palm Beach Chapter National Organization of Women. The volunteers attended my hearings and took notes. Their presence in the courtroom typically makes judges and attorneys be on their best behavior. FACTs

  • Helpful Websites

    Do It Yourself Family Law

    Beth is a great resource for people trying to navigate the Family Courts. You can message her on her Facebook page with your questions and she will post them to her main page with her response so they are anonymous. She also offers research and coaching services. Do It Yourself Family Law