My Journey


It’s been a while! Over the past few years, I’ve had trouble juggling everything on my plate. I’ve felt exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious and completely used up. Keeping up with my little ones and the stresses of our large, blended family have taken all of my bandwidth. I just haven’t had anything else to give. My cup has not runneth over. So, this site has been dormant for quite a bit. But, I’m back, baby!

After a pandemic, a massive move, a 4 year court battle, a death in the family, troubled teenagers, marital issues, health problems, mental health issues, and all of my children’s events and milestones and activities, I finally feel like I can take on some of those things that I’ve had to ignore for a while. My kids can all get in the car and put their seatbelts on by themselves. They can get themselves dressed and go potty on their own. They can entertain themselves for long stretches of time. I now have the bandwidth to be a human being again and do things that I actually enjoy again. I feel like Gloria Estefan singing, “Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now”. So get ready to read all about how I’m handling all of life’s curveballs in the near future, because I’m finding my voice…AGAIN!

I am a mother of 6 and a wife to the most amazing husband ever. After years of being in an abusive relationship, I have escaped and moved on and figured out that life doesn't have to be so tough. There is hope. And there is life and love and happiness after abuse.