Stop asking women “Why didn’t you leave?”
Why didn’t you leave?” Why didn’t you leave sooner?” Why did you wait so long to leave?” It couldn’t have been that bad if you stayed with him for 10 years.” All of these types of questions and statements are a form of victim blaming and victim shaming. It needs to end. Instead, we should be asking the abuser, “Why did you gaslight her into staying with you for so long?” “Why did you physically and verbally abuse her?” “Why did you try to control her and dominate her?” “Why did you continue to love bomb and abuse her in a cycle of domestic violence that kept her in a…
Stop saying “Boys will be boys.”
Many abusive men believe they’re entitled to treat others the way they do. Excusing inappropriate behavior in children with sayings like “boys will be boys” leads to that entitlement. We must stop telling our young boys that their behavior is acceptable by excusing them with sayings like this. Boys AND girls will act the way their parents allow them to act. When I see my children playing and one of them says “Stop” or “No”, I immediately jump in and tell them to respect each other’s boundaries. No means no. They need to learn that now at the young ages of 6, 3 and 2. Stop saying “boys will be…
Kyra’s Law
Kyras Law has been introduced into the New York Assembly. If passed, it will change the Family Courts and help women and children affected by domestic violence that are trying to divorce and escape from their abusers. We need to get this passed in all states. Why Kyra’s Law will change Family Courts
Documentary on Narcissistic Abuse
This is an excellent documentary on Narcissistic Abuse. Spot on. Narcissistic Abuse