Stop asking women “Why didn’t you leave?”
Why didn’t you leave?” Why didn’t you leave sooner?” Why did you wait so long to leave?” It couldn’t have been that bad if you stayed with him for 10 years.” All of these types of questions and statements are a form of victim blaming and victim shaming. It needs to end. Instead, we should be asking the abuser, “Why did you gaslight her into staying with you for so long?” “Why did you physically and verbally abuse her?” “Why did you try to control her and dominate her?” “Why did you continue to love bomb and abuse her in a cycle of domestic violence that kept her in a…
Hawaii passes Coercive Control Law
Coercive Control Laws have reached the US! Hawaii and California now both have Coercive Control Laws. Read this article and ask your representatives to get Coercive Control Laws passed in your state. Hawaii passes Coercive Control Law