My Journey

February 14, 2013

February 14, 2013. That was the day I knew Vincent was incapable of love or empathy and was truly evil.

In January of that year I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I was excited. I know now that my desire to have a child was an attempt to find love…because I knew that Vincent didn’t love me. You don’t treat people you love the way he treated me. But, at the time, I wasn’t as educated on the topic of narcissists and empaths and codependents and the dynamics that led me into an abusive relationship in the first place. And I was happy to start a family with Vincent. He wasn’t as thrilled.

Unfortunately, I started to miscarry on February 11. It was a Monday. Vincent had to work so I went to the doctor’s office myself. There was still a heartbeat, so I was sent home to rest. Vincent didn’t like for me to rest, ever. He started in with the complaints immediately. “Why don’t you get up and do something to take your mind off of it? What don’t you clean something instead of just laying there?” There was no sympathy at all. Total lack of empathy. But it would get worse.

By Wednesday I was in a lot of pain. I went back to the doctor. They confirmed that I had lost the baby. I was heartbroken and I felt like I had done something wrong. I didn’t realize how common spontaneous miscarriages were. The doctors admitted me to the hospital because I had a fever and they thought I may have an infection. Vincent took me, but was obviously upset. He had family in town and hated hospitals so he blamed me for having to miss time with his parents and his 10 year old son that he had from a previous relationship. I was so cold when I arrived to the hospital that 3 different nurses tried multiple times to get an IV in me and couldn’t. Once again, Vincent blamed me for delaying him even longer in getting back to his family. He left me there. I was hurt of course, but it was expected and just the way things were. That hospital stay was probably the best 24 hours of my entire marriage to him. Once the pain meds set in, I could relax and didn’t have to worry about being called lazy for laying in bed.

The next day was Valentine’s Day. After 24 hours of pain meds and antibiotics I was discharged from the hospital. Vincent picked me up and brought me home. There were no cards or flowers or chocolates are any mention of Valentine’s Day at all. Instead, Vincent was cold and distant. He again told me I should clean something. I went to bed to rest. Later in the day, he came into the bedroom and asked me, “Are you dead yet?” Later in the evening he told me I was using too much toilet paper and needed to use less. I ignored him and went to sleep.

When I got up the next morning, Vincent had already left for work. I went to the bathroom and all of the toilet paper was gone. I went to the other bathroom and that toilet paper was gone too. All of it. Vincent had waited until I was asleep and hid all of the toilet paper in the house and then left me home alone, bleeding, suffering a miscarriage with no toilet paper. That was the moment I knew he must have truly hated me.

By this point, I knew some of his hiding places. He would often hide things from me…jewelry, money, tv remotes, my phone. I found 2 rolls of toilet paper hidden in a shoe box at the top of his side of the closet.

I asked him when he got home why he would do something so hateful to me. He shrugged it off and walked away.

To add insult to injury, when the $3,500 hospital bill came in, he refused to pay for it with “our money.” I had to borrow against my 401k to pay the bill.

It would still take me nearly 2 years to leave this man that obviously hated me. By this point, I was so worn down by all of his physical, verbal and emotional abuse that I was pretty numb. Nothing really hurt me anymore. But looking back on it, it’s so despicable. I think there’s a special place in hell for him because of this particular incident.

I am a mother of 6 and a wife to the most amazing husband ever. After years of being in an abusive relationship, I have escaped and moved on and figured out that life doesn't have to be so tough. There is hope. And there is life and love and happiness after abuse.

One Comment

  • Terri

    This is horrific. Wow. I am so glad you escaped from him!!! I think we all have stories of miscarriages/ births where these evil men show who they truly are!
    I had a miscarriage at four months, my husband was working the night shift, and I couldn’t get hold of him, so my oldest son drove me to the hospital.
    When my husband came home form work, my son told him I was at the hospital and he can there… they had to transfer me by ambulance to another hospital… so he followed the ambulance in his car… I got to the hospital and they took me into surgery immediately, as I was losing a lot of blood.
    My husband left me there, and he went out to his car to take a nap because “he had worked all night and was tired.”
    Never mind that I was in emergency surgery, and that I had been up all night, vomiting and losing our baby.
    When I woke up in recovery I was alone and they wouldn’t let me leave until my husband showed up, because I could not drive home. They were paging him on the intercom system. He eventually woke up and came into the hospital…he became angry with me because I was humiliated and hurt that my very own husband couldn’t wait for me to get out of surgery.
    I will never forget that day. He wouldn’t speak to me on the drive home. A one hour drive, total silence, and I was grieving the loss of my child. Once I was at home I went outside and sat on the back deck all by myself and just cried. I grieved alone…because my husband had no empathy and couldn’t care about me or anyone but himself.
    I’ve been free from him for almost 2 yrs now…and I’ve never been happier. I wasted too many years hoping and praying that he would change. These men are evil, sadistic creatures.